Format Phone Number

Format Phone Number

Here are a couple of sample functions to help you clean up phone numbers.

Function ScriptedField
    dim oldphone
 dim phone
 dim xPos
 dim plusPos
 dim extension

 if len(phone) <> 0 then
  'Remove all non-numberic characters except the x and + sign.
  With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
   .Pattern = "[^0-9x+]"
   .Global = True
   phone = .Replace(phone, "")
  End With

  plusPos = inStr(1,phone,"+")
  if plusPos > 0 then
   'Ignore foreign phone numbers.
   ScriptedField = oldphone
   'break off the extension.
   xPos = inStr(1,LCase(phone),"x")
   if xPos > 0 then
    extension = Trim(Right(LCase(phone), (Len(phone) - (xPos) + 1)))
    phone = Trim(Left(phone, (xPos - 1)))
    extension = ""
   End If
   'format non-foreign phone numbers and phone numbers without an extension.
   if Len(phone)=11 and Left(phone,1)="1" then 
    phone = Mid(phone,2)
    ScriptedField = mid(phone,1,3) & "-" & mid(phone,4,3) & "-" & mid(phone,7) & extension
   elseif Len(phone)=10 then
    ScriptedField = mid(phone,1,3) & "-" & mid(phone,4,3) & "-" & mid(phone,7) & extension
    ScriptedField = oldphone
   end if
  end if
    end if
End Function
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